Central Park

What to Remember When Traveling to NYC

Before you leave for that exciting trip to New York City, there are a few things you’ll want to do to ensure you have a great experience. We know that you already have a ton of things to do before you start traveling, but these tips are all worthwhile, so you’ll want to put them to use. Here are our top things to remember when traveling to NYC:

Brooklyn Bridge

Create a travel itinerary in advance.

If you want your trip to go smoothly, it’s a good idea to make a plan, or a travel itinerary, in advance. This gives you the opportunity to review all of your travel arrangements so you can be sure to arrive to your plane, train, or bus to the city on time. Make sure to give yourself plenty of time so you won’t be running late, which will only leave you feeling frazzled.

Creating an itinerary also allows you to choose which destinations you want to see during your stay. Are you hoping to enjoy a Broadway show or do you have plans to hit up some of the most popular tourist destinations? Whatever is on your New York City to-do list, add it to your itinerary. When you budget your time efficiently, you’ll be able to maximize your stay and get more stuff done. And you’ll know exactly what your plans are on any given day. Just don’t forget to add in a little time for spontaneous exploring, too!


Pack your luggage accordingly.

Packing is probably one of the most tedious tasks when it comes to traveling. Does anyone really like packing up their suitcases and trying to get everything stuffed in? Probably not many of you! However, it’s important to be smart about your packing so you bring everything you need and leave behind the stuff you don’t. After all, bringing unnecessary items will only add onto the load that you have to carry.

In order to be smart about packing, your travel itinerary will come in handy. For example, figure out what you plan to do while you’re in the city. Do you want to dine at some of the fanciest restaurants? You’ll need to pack a dressy outfit that’s appropriate for their establishment. They wouldn’t appreciate you showing up in denim shorts and a T-shirt!

You’ll also want to consider the weather while you’re in town. You don’t want to arrive to the city to find it’s freezing, only to realize you didn’t pack a jacket. You’d be forced to spend money on one, which is an added expense you don’t need. Taking the time to pack the right items will be worthwhile in the end. And don’t forget to bring some comfortable shoes for all the walking you’ll do!

New York City

Locate a place to store your luggage.

When you’re traveling, one thing that you inevitably have to deal with are the check-in and checkout times at your hotel or AirBnB. Sometimes they can be pretty inconvenient and it can leave you wondering what to do with all your luggage. Many travelers are forced to kill time in the city as they wait for their check-in time if they’ve arrived early. They wind up walking the city streets and going into restaurants with multiple bags in tow. And many are required to check out long before their plane leaves, so they decide to wait around at the airport because they don’t know what to do with their bags. They ultimately sacrifice precious time in the city as a result.

It’s a huge hassle for all travelers because carrying around those heavy bags puts a strain on them physically. Plus, there’s always the risk of losing one of your bags while you’re walking about town or the chance something could be stolen. Instead, you should just let the awesome folks over at City CoPIlot handle your luggage storage while you’re in NYC. They provide luggage storage to all travelers in New York City for an affordable rate. You can drop your things off to one of their locations in the Lower East Side, Times Square, or Brooklyn. Then, come back at the end of the day to collect your things or pay an extra fee for convenient delivery. With your luggage off your mind, you’re able to enjoy your trip and take in the sights without the burden of heavy bags. Plus, the resident of New York City will appreciate it since your bags won’t take up space on the streets, the subway, or the bus.

Get to know New York City transportation.

There are a few different ways to get to and from your destinations in New York. You can walk, take a taxi, ride the bus, or take the subway. You could even rent a Citi Bike and pedal around town if you’d like! If you’re a little nervous about taking New York transportation for the first time it’s a good idea to familiarize yourself with it beforehand so you’ll feel more comfortable and confident.

New York City train

Take a look at the hot spots that are near your hotel and determine what is within walking distance. You’ll be able to save yourself some cash and get some exercise by taking a stroll to get there. Odds are, you’ll have to take a taxi at some point, and if you do you want to be sure to tip your driver. If you need to get around Manhattan, consider hopping on the bus to get to your destinations. And if you want to head to another of the New York boroughs, you’ll want to catch the subway for the most efficient mode of transportation.

Make sure you’re refueling with food and plenty of water.

It’s so easy to get caught up in the excitement of New York City. With so much on your to-do list, you’re likely moving from one destination to the next and you just might forget to refuel. It’s important when traveling to remember to refuel your body. You need to eat good meals to provide your body with the nourishment it needs and drink plenty of water to stay hydrated. You don’t want to be low on energy to find yourself feeling weak because you’ve skipped a meal.

To prevent yourself from getting hungry or dehydrated, keep a bottle of water in your bag when you’re out in the city. Stash a few healthy snacks in your bag as well so you always have something within reach when you need it.

Central Park

Give yourself time to just explore.

One of the best ways to take in the city is to just get out there and walk around. If you lose your way, there’s always Google Maps to bring you back to your starting point. By walking the city streets, you’ll be able to check out the local businesses, get a feel for the city, and even get yourself a little exercise. Just make sure you have some comfortable shoes for walking because you’ll need them!

Remember that not all New Yorkers are grumpy.

New Yorkers often get a bad rep for always being in a hurry and in a bad mood. Many tourists have the impression that the locals aren’t going to be very helpful during their stay. That’s not necessarily true. While you’re sure to encounter someone who isn’t willing to help you out, you’re going to find that no matter where you travel to! If you’re lost or have a question, don’t be afraid to ask. You’re sure to find someone who is happy to help. New Yorkers don’t bite, so don’t be afraid of them.